Friday, March 22, 2013

Week 5

This week I've been working on new diptychs and trying to decide which photos I will be using in my final concentration. I have quite lot of photos of rusted metal and I think I will spend next week collecting more photos of decaying nature to use so it will even everything out.



  1. I really like the broken mirror image. The colors are really good in all of your pictures. They do a good job of representing your concentration theme.

  2. I love the rustic metal in your photos. They turned out beautiful. I like the destroyed, abandoned feel I get from scrolling through your images. I think the end results of your ditych will be really cool!

  3. I really like your images becaue you capture all the little details in the objects that you wouldn't really notice at first glance. Those little details and textures make the pictures beautiful!

  4. I really like the old rustic feel in this set of photos. It is like walking into a thrift shop with all these thing ready to be fixed and not abandoned.

  5. Your photos are amazing!!!!!! I love how everything is so detailed. You are really great at capturing the texture of objects. :)

  6. I love your pictures. I give you major credit for finding so many differnet rusted objects.

  7. Stormi! This are fantastic pictures! Each picture is expressing the decay and the old "not used" feel. Each of your pictures has their own feel, but all tie in together creating the passion for rustic worn. Lovely pictures, keep it up!

  8. You do a wonderful job of expressing your concentration series throughout yourpictures. I can really see the details in the rust and broken glass and how it gets really ugly for not being used for their purpose and taken care of. But for the plants they're not so ugly, they can decompose but they should still be tended.
